Friday, November 14, 2014

What have I been up to, what I am thankful for, why I always try not to give up on things, and what I like to do for fun.

Hi my name is Elizabeth Nicole Holthouse and I am twenty years old. I live in Celeryville Ohio and I love to write, read, draw, play piano, sing, and play games on my computer, phone, maybe a board game, or even a card game. Some of the things that I have been up to is, writing stories, reading my devotional book, painting and drawing on my computer, going to youth group on Wednesday and Sunday nights, doing my work out on the Wii, by doing Wii fit plus I can do my own work out, and create it, and after I am done, I can actually see how many calories that I have burned. I have skipped three days of my work out, and I have done three days of my work out. I haven't given up in my online class or with my work out, I keep trying in my class, and I do my work out on the Wii, every other day. So I guess you could say that my work out would be tomorrow, and then I would skip on Sunday, and well you get the idea. I love that I can do these things because they make me happy. I would like to volunteer at my high school that I graduated from, because it would be nice if I could help out. Who knows maybe I'll get to, but until then I am just going to continue with some of the things I do for fun, and with some of the things that I don't do for fun, like try hard to pass my online class, so that I can get my certificate, and continue doing my Wii fit plus work out, so that I can be strong, and get exercise from doing it. I'll continue to practice my piano so that I can do good, for the next time I have a lesson. I am thankful for my family, and friends, and to have a Savior who loves, cares, and watches over me, each and every single day and night. I am thankful for not giving up, on my piano lessons, for not giving up in my online class, or for not giving up on my Wii fit plus workout. I feel that if I had given up on my lessons for my class, or piano lessons, or had given up on my work out, then I would feel like I have failed, and stopped trying, and I don't want to do that. I want to continue to keep trying until I pass my online class, I want to keep practicing my piano until my next piano lesson, and I definitely want to keep on trying my best, whenever I do my work out.

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