Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Duolingo Courses/Language Classes That I am taking

I am taking Italian and Spanish, but I have also decided to reset my progress. I did that because I feel by me doing it then it helps me not to rush and I can take my time without rushing. I also decided that if I either finish Spanish or Italian at different times, or I finish one of them before the other than the next one I am wanting to take is Irish and then who knows which one I will want to take if I pass/finish the third one. No matter what I want to continue with my Duolingo Education because I feel like I'm in college, but the nice thing about it is , it's free and I am not paying for anything. I don't know how many of you have kids that you homeschool, but if you do and they are old enough to read and want to learn a language then I highly recommend Duolingo, because I love it. I can do my lessons on my time and I don't have to worry about rushing and I can do it on the computer or my phone. I can't wait to continue doing my duolingo everyday because that's what I have been doing and I am not going to give up on that now. I also believe that Duolingo is the best for me. Now some of you might think other language sites might be better for you and that's fine, I'm just sticking with Duolingo because that is what works for me. Other people have different opinions and that's fine. I'm not saying that whatever site you might be learning from is not the greatest site. I don't think that at all, I just think Duolingo works too. I hope everyone has been having a good day and I hope everyone  will enjoy their summer as well. Anyway, if you want to, just leave a comment on what you'll be doing over the summer or what language site you're using or how learning a language from the site you use has impacted and helped you.

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