Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Childhood Years Chapter Three

Most of my childhood, has been pretty good and fun. I would say most of my childhood that has been fun, was playing with my sisters or brother and my parents. Of, course i didn't always play, and my other reason it was good is because i had a family that was looking, out for me and taking care of me. Some, of my childhood i was either in the hospital recovering or at home recovering, which wasn't fun at all. I've never liked hospitals, and i still don't like them at all because they're not that fun to go to especially if you are having surgery, or getting bloodwork done. I've had both of those things done lots of times and they were never fun for me. I spent most of my childhood in the hospital, and after i got home from the hospital and was then resting for a litttle while, because i had to rest and be healed from surgery before i could play with toys, or do anything really. I still, had an excellent childhood, even though i spent it in the hospital most of the time. Even, though i'm 17 years old and i still have my Hydrocephauls, i am always going to try my best in school and at home, because even though i have a multiple disability like other kids, and my friends might not have a disability, that doesn't mean i can't do things like other kids without disabilites can do, i mean i might be different from other kids, and my friends but that doesn't mean i can't do what other kids in my school do. I mean, it shouldn't matter what other people might think about my disability, it only matters that you have friends that care about you, think about you, and are there for you, and that goes for family too, only they care, love, trust, think about you, and are there for you. Thats why i love my family and friends so much.

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